公司同多家国际国内知名制药、电子企业以及工程管理公司有过成功合作案例。公司秉承团结合作、诚信经营、开 拓进取的价值观,因此在业界树立了良好的口碑,赢得了用户的裝誉和信任。特别在近年来对新版GM瞰范在净化工程 中的应用有多个项目的成功经验,协助业主顺利通过了新版GMP的国家药监局组织的验收。目前我公司承接通过新版GMP 规范(2010版)的车间类型有小容量、固体制剂、原料药精干包、软袋大输液、无菌冻干、胶囊等车间。
本公司组织机构:现设有业务部、设计部、工程部、采购部、财务部、售后服务部,通过各部门的通力合作,给项 目提供了高效、优质的服务保证。公司有稳定的安装及施工队伍,可保证施工的质量与进度.
凭借全球化的视角、一切为客户服务的经营理念,设计和工程管理理念,公司致力于提高国内洁净室建设项 目的水平。
SuZhou New Tech cleanroom system co.Jtg. Founded on July 2010, which mostly engaged in those installment and construction for air condition, water supply and drainage, electric equipment and mechanical electronic of industry and civil construction; intelligentized project s constru ction; fitment and decoration project* s construction. We are also specialist for the construction of clean-room and clean-workshop of industrial t\factory building.
We have more than sixty managers with technical background, there into those managers which middle and high titles take up about 75%. We have co-operated with several high-lame overseas companies. "Solidify, cooperate, honest business operation" is our slogan. We have been well spoken of by industrial people with our customer, s high acclaimed and confidence. We are willing collaborate with personages of various circles. We serve for you a comfortable, clean and healthy air circumstance in those industries of manufacture, electronics, pharmacy, medical treatment, food, chemical and commercial affairs. "Harmony of good quality with low cost" is our terminate target, we will continue to pursue excellent quality and service.